ELA Positions

GFX offers paid opportunities for students to engage with peers as leaders and mentors in orientation courses (ENG 100, 300, or 398) and major exploration (ENG 101).


Head ELAs prepare for and lead weekly meetings with Lead ELAs, teach a section of ENG 100, and serve as contacts for curriculum feedback and developing optional events for ENG 100 with the GFX Associate Director.

ENG 100 Head ELA Information (FA24 application closed)

Lead ELAs prepare for and lead weekly meetings with their department's general ELAs, teach a section of ENG 100, and serve as contacts for the Head ELAs and GFX leadership team.

ENG 100 Lead ELA Information (FA24 application closed)

GFX seeks to hire several General ELAs every year for fall ENG 100, 101, 300, or 398 courses to teach and mentor students in their section. A General ELA is a trained, advanced undergraduate who facilitates the instruction of ENG 100, 101, 300, or 398 and serves as a peer mentor to the students in their course section.

ENG 100 & 101 General ELA Information (FA24 application closed)

ENG 300 General ELA Information (FA24 application TBA) 

ENG 398 General ELA Information (FA24 application closed)