Technology & Civic Engagement Scholars

As Technology & Civic Engagement Scholars, students will learn about the role of engineers in government and how technology interacts with civics.

Program Description

Technology & Civic Engagement GFX Scholars will learn the valuable role that engineers and innovation play in government and other public services.  Students will also have the opportunity to learn more about the City Scholars program, travel to Chicago to meet with tech companies in the area, and be exposed to opportunities in public interest technology after graduation.

Fall Semester (1 credit hour)

Learn about the role engineers, designers, and developers can play in government. Develop your skills in teamwork and ideation as you prepare for and attend a conference in Chicago to hear more from tech and civic leaders.

Spring Semester (1 credit hour)

Dive deeper into civic engagement tech topics such as accessibility technology, diversity and inclusion in tech, policing, and public transit as civic tech. Explore examples of tech in Chicago, Urbana-Champaign, and your own hometown.